lease to own

Laser Advanced Lease to Own


Healthcare professionals depend on the availability and use of a variety of types of specialized equipment to provide the best possible care for their patients. The cost of this equipment can be high, which means it could be unrealistic for practices to purchase all or any of the equipment they need. If this is true for your healthcare facility, you can now get the Laser you need by utilizing our Lease to Own Program.

At Laser Advanced, we understand you may not be ready to just buy a Laser right away but would rather see how it does for a year or two before purchasing. You can now lease the laser of your choice for a year and then pay the remaining balance if you choose to keep it, or renew the lease for another year, or if it is not the right fit for your practice, send the laser back to us. You can be making money while paying off your laser at the same time. With these services, you’ll never have to compromise on the quality of care that you give to your facility’s patients, and you won’t have to saddle your facility with debt.

Why should I lease Laser Advanced products?


There are several advantages to leasing healthcare equipment rather than purchasing it, including:

  • Scalability. If your practice starts to grow, you can easily add more equipment through leasing to adjust for that growth. Therefore, you don’t have to start turning patients away because you lack the equipment capacity to help them.
  • Upgradability. Leasing equipment makes it much easier to get the upgrades that you need. Because you’re not tied down to your equipment through paying off a loan, you can easily upgrade at any time your facility needs it.
  • No hidden costs. By leasing, you know exactly what your monthly payment will be for the year term and at the end of each year, can evaluate how you would like to move forward. There will always be the option to purchase the laser outright during your lease.

Contact Laser Advanced today for more information

  If you want more information about leasing Laser equipment or would like to get started with an application, contact our team today and we will be pleased to help you get the Laser you need! We also provide financing for purchasing the equipment through NCMIC.

Sales +1 (866) 209-0841